Thursday, April 26, 2007

*My Website*

My website is about a dearm vacation in Jamaica.

Things I have learnd.....

In my computer class, i have learned so many things. Where can i begin, well i have learn who to make a website for the Internet. I also learn more about the spreed sheet, such as making a grade book, address book and especially learning how to use the spread sheet for mortgages and there interest rates. Last but not least word processing, I have to be honest i thought i knew everything about word processing, but there was alot more things out there i din't know.

International School Blogging

I have found a website for international schools to blog for all things related to , or concerning international students. You are able to post blog on different issues such as Virgina Tech Shooting. This site also have different links for student to concering groups such as facebook, school related, etc..., for more information just visit their website at

School Who Blogg

I have done some research on the web and have discovered high schools blog. I foun Puxi high school on the internet who use blogs. Different students come on that site to post different events that deals with school related events. The high school also has categories for parents as well. Just check out this web at

Thursday, February 22, 2007

"Spring Time"

Spring time is one of the best season to me. I enjoy the temperature because its not to cold nor hot. You are able to wear cooler clothing, and my all time favorite is flip flops. To me it gets you ready for the summer. Spring time puts you in a better mood. Your able to go outside and enjoy the weather, for instance going to the beach, park, etc... Just enjoy it casue it only comes around once a year.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

True Love

Have you ever had a true love. I'm sure everyone has at least one time or another. Well, if so you know you have to be dedicated to your true love. You may go through some rough moments. But just stick in there because if its worth it, you will see it down the road. All I can say is be strong, kind hearted and patient.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Words of Wisdom

To all people who are feeling down and out, just call on a friend.
If you are having beef with someone and there is no resolving, just leave it alone.
Be curtious and sweet always.
Thank the Lord that you woke up to see another day.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

"Cold Weather"

The topic of today is cold weather. I hate cold weather because i am cold natured. If I had a choice i would rather stay inside my home. But I guess today is an exception.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Link to Tuesday, Thrusday Class Blog

To go to the Tuesday Thrusday 2 Class Blog click here.

Bloggers Network

This is a unique blogger I am creating. It shows characteristics about me. It also has a few details about me.