Wednesday, January 31, 2007

True Love

Have you ever had a true love. I'm sure everyone has at least one time or another. Well, if so you know you have to be dedicated to your true love. You may go through some rough moments. But just stick in there because if its worth it, you will see it down the road. All I can say is be strong, kind hearted and patient.


Laura Eubanks said...

I agree with you so much! That was pretty encouraging what you wrote. Everyone needs to here that whose found their true love, b/c I know I do.

BARBARA said...

I thought I found true love,but it wasn't so. I am going on my third divorce. Yes, I have been married 3 times, but the second and third time was to the same person. How's that for giving it another chance?
B. Lewis

Alicia Silvers said...

Amen girl!
I found my true love when I was thirteen, though I didn't know it at the time. We have always been the best of friends and as teenagers finally fell in love. We are married now for 9 years and have two children. If your love is also your best friend, you know you've found him. Yes, things get rough, but no one is better than a friend to tough things out with.